However, each adventure brings it's own challenges. I have successfully mastered the micro (bus) system and am currently teaching all the other 'gringos' how to use it. I also took my first collectivo last night, which is basically a taxi that has a set route, meaning it's cheaper than a taxi and probably safer than a micro. I took a micro home at 2:30am once, it was a little 'flighty', as the chilenos say (flighty=sketchy), I'm going to stick with collectivos from now on I think.
Valpo and Vina are neighboring cities and it's super easy to get from one to the other. The CIEE office is in Vina and most of my CIEE-rs live in Vina or in Recreo, which is between Valpo and Vina. Since this week all of my classes are in the CIEE office I've been spending a lot of time going back and forth, hopefully this will die down a little once classes start since most of the campuses are in Valpo. Taking a micro is sort of an adventure in and of itself. The drivers like to compete for
The other day after class we took a micro up to Renaca, which is the 'ritzier' beach area. We made it just in time for the sunset and it was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. Marina and I took our shoes off and ran along the beach (first time my feet have touched pacific water!). I also made a dog friend who played fetch much better than Sierra, not that I don't love her anyways. The stars came out and we all sat together drinking cerveza and talking about all the great things to come. We caught a micro back to Vina and being my graceful self, I totally ate it on the steps (fyi, I was NOT drunk, at all). Everyone on the bus gasped and stared at the stupid gringa on the floor of the bus, meanwhile my friend Max is laughing hysterically behind me. I collected myself and got on the bus, thinking 'wow, that really freaking hurt'. The next day I look at my knee and I have a tiny mountain sprouting out of my patella that is bright blue and purple. When I showed Max he immediately apologized for laughing. I've been hobbling a little bit ever since then...
So, my parents put me on a shower ban until I learned how to light the Caliphon, which is the gas water heater I was telling you about. As mentioned earlier, I'm terrified of blowing the house up, so I've been jumping in the shower after other people. My dad called me out on it though, and told me I HAD to learn, apparently all the other gringas could do it so I just look foolish. My mom taught me how to do it yesterday, it's pretty similar to lighting a grill, but you have to stick your fingers waaaaay inside this machine. Sort of terrifying, but doable, and well worth the hot water. It is extremely cold inside my house, and most buildings for that matter. I put layers on to go inside and take them off when I get back outside. I had four layers on the other day in my house and was about to put mittens on but I didn't want to offend my family...I sort of wish I could shower with clothes on, cause getting out of that shower is definitely the worst part of the whole experience.
well, that's probably enough for now. Tomorrow we are going to La Sebastiana, which is Pablo Neruda's house, which lays at the very top of the steepest hill in the whole world. should be fun with my broken patella.
added picture; sunset in Renaca.